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Sondra K Tucker
Sondra Tucker was born and raised in the Mississippi River Delta region of eastern Arkansas. She earned a Music Education degree from the University of Arkansas and Master of Sacred Music degree from the University of Memphis. She has studied organ with John David Peterson and Diane Meredith Belcher and children's music with Shirley McRae. Sondra holds the Service Playing, Choirmaster, and Associate certificates from the American Guild of Organists. Active in professional organizations, she is on the Greater Houston Handbell Association Board, as well as the Houston Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
Sondra is Director of Music/Organist at Christ Church Presbyterian in Bellaire (metro Houston), Texas. She began composing and arranging in 1991, and writes music for handbells, organ, vocal choir, and flute ensemble. In demand as a conductor and clinician, she has directed massed ringing at denominational and AGEHR events around the country. She self‑publishes her flute music through her own QuickSilver Publications.
Sondra is married, with two grown children and two granddaughters. Outside of music, Sondra enjoys baseball, motorcycle riding, swimming, knitting, and reading.