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Ron Mallory
Ron Mallory has been playing, directing, and composing for handbells since his college days. He currently teaches handbell classes at Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bellevue, Washington and directs the Resurrection Ringers as part of his duties as Worship Director at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Ron has published more than 100 handbell pieces and has won composition contests sponsored by Bells of the Sound and Handbell Musicians of America. He conducts regularly at festivals and has taught classes at a number of local and national handbell conferences.
Ron has a master's degree in choral conducting from the University of Washington and a bachelor's degree in music composition from California State University, Long Beach. His past handbell experience also includes directing the Rainier Ringers community handbell ensemble and serving on the board of Area 10 of Handbell Musicians of America. In addition to his work with handbells, Ron also has professional experience as a studio musician, jazz pianist, video producer, and graphic artist. Ron lives in Maple Valley, Washington with his wife Emily and their children, Vivian and Miles. A lifelong Christian, Ron is always working to grow in his relationship with God.