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Patricia Bourne
Patricia Bourne teaches K–6 general music, fifth- and sixth‑grade chorus, and a sixth‑grade marimba ensemble at Canyon Creek Elementary in Bothell, Washington. Prior to Canyon Creek Elementary, she was Coordinator of Music Education at Central Washington University, in Ellensburg, Washington. A veteran music educator of twenty‑six years, Patty has presented workshops throughout the country on topics such as children's choral and classroom singing, curriculum development, classroom management systems, working with special‑needs students, African drumming, and marimbas in elementary general music. She has guest conducted regional and all‑state choruses in multiple states, as well as adjudicated secondary vocal solo and ensembles throughout the Northwest region.
A native of Kentucky, Dr. Bourne received a Bachelor of Music Education from Murray State University (Murray, Kentucky), a Master of Music Education from the University of Oklahoma (Norman, OK), and completed a Doctorate of Education from Arizona State University in 1990. Her honors include induction into the Washington Music Educators Hall of Fame, the Northlake Region "Outstanding Music Educator" award, and honors from each university attended. She has been nominated, by students or colleagues, for "Teacher of the Year" in the Northshore School District, the national Disney Teacher Awards, and the Washington State Golden Apple Award.
Additionally, Patty is a featured clinician with the J.W. Pepper Corporation and has served on the editorial committee of General Music Today, an online magazine sponsored by the National Association for Music Education. She currently maintains an active schedule as a full‑time teacher, guest conductor, and clinician.
Favorite activities include being with her family—husband Tom, daughters Katherine and Julie, and Tiger the cat. The Bournes currently reside in Bothell, Washington.