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Michael Helman
Michael Helman is currently Director of Music/Organist at Faith Presbyterian Church in Cape Coral, Florida, where he directs the adult vocal choirs, conducts a graded handbell program for children through adults, and coordinates the church's Concert Series.
Michael did his undergraduate work in organ performance at Lebanon Valley College and did graduate work in Music History and Literature at West Chester University. He is an active composer of handbell, organ, and choral music with well over 140 pieces in print. Michael has also won nine composition contests including the 1997, 1998, and 2000 AGEHR National Composition Contests.
Mr. Helman is in demand as a handbell festival director and clinician all over the country. He is a past Dean of the Delaware Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and has served on the Board of Area III of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers as Delaware State Chair, Chairman Elect, and Chairman. In the fall of 2000, he founded the Wilmington Handbell Ensemble, and in 2009 he founded the Southwest Florida Handbell Ensemble. The Lebanon Valley College Alumni Associate awarded Michael the 2009 outstanding alumni in creative achievement. In 2012, he accepted the position of Handbell Editor for The Lorenz Corporation.
Michael's website can be found at