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Brian Hiller
Brian Hiller and Don Dupont are elementary music specialists in Westchester County, New York. They present workshops at national and state music conferences throughout the United States and Canada. Don holds a BFA in Fine Arts and an MS in Music Education. Brian holds dual certification in both elementary and music education.
Don and Brian are co‑authors of ten publications: It's Elemental: Lessons That Engage; It's Elemental 2: More Lessons that Engage; Earth, Water, Fire, Air: A Suite for Voices, Narrator and Orff Instruments; Make a Joyful Sound!; Too Much Noise!; Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears; Sing a Song of Aesop; and the curriculum series What to Teach When: A Thoughtful Engaging Music Curriculum, available for K–1, 2–3, and 4–5 (Heritage Music Press). They are also contributing authors to Activate! magazine.